

另一天我在想关于Lacroix夫人,我的三年级老师。我的一个同学们抱怨着一种感知的轻微 - 我想象它有一些与休息的事情 - 以及她平静的反应,一个眉毛抚养,“好吧,曾经说过生命是公平的”?

资料来源:人物/ DigiteVision / Getty

We were gobsmacked. I sensed even then that this was not an original concept, but it was the first time anyone had ever laid it out quite so plainly for our sheltered little group. I think we all also sensed, intuitively, that she was right.

Some of Mrs. Lacroix’s pedagogical methods have not stood the test of time—I am thinking specifically of her propensity to whip off her glasses, stroll dramatically across the room, and administer cheek kisses to misbehaving third-grade boys—but maybe more of us could use a reminder from time to time about this “no fairness guarantees” thing.

To be sure, plenty of unfairness that takes place in the workplace is just plain wrong, morally and legally, and we should do everything we can to eradicate it. I’m talking about things like discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, and so forth, as well as retaliation against workers who blow the whistle on wrongdoing.

但是所有工人都完全相同的想法,应该被这样对待,没有任何有利的人 - 特别是你的超级巨星。为什么要驱动Donny,谁每天都有额外的英里,并在真正的特殊工作中转身,在董事会中得到相同的2%升级,因为平庸的米尔德里·米尔德里德,其最大的日常成就是成功往返工作场所的记录数量咖啡壶?

Seriously, why do we do this?

作为Jennifer McClure肆无忌惮的人才put it so well at our recent THRIVE conference in Las Vegas (which was fantastic, by the way), “We玩最爱并奖励那些做得很好的人。“我认为这是一个情感朗格里克斯·普遍地支持。

If you’re looking for ways to help create a strong environment for professional development at your workplace while boosting business growth and keeping your best employees engaged and on board (because fair’s fair), you won’t want to miss our2017年劳动力学习与发展会议今天秋天,具有着名的主题演讲者Bob KelleherCheck it out now!


詹Jennifer Carsen,JD,是BLR人力资源和就业法出版物的高级法律编辑,重点关注福利遵守情况。在过去,她曾担任加州雇主资源(CER),BLR的加州特定部门的管理编辑,监督CER的印刷品和在线出版物的内容以及协调BLR和CER的现场活动和网络研讨会。


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