人力资源每日顾问 //www.etoobe.com 实用的人力资源技巧,新闻和建议。每天更新一次。 2021年8月31日星期二17:05:24+0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.2 https://news.blr.com/app/uploads/sites/3/2021/01/blr-fav-icons-32x32-1.png 人力资源每日顾问 //www.etoobe.com 32 32 工作中的跑题谈话:一种新的濒危物种 //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/off-topic-conversations-at-work-a-new-endangered-species/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/off-topic-conversations-at-work-a-new-endangered-species/#respond 贾里德·格拉瑟,作家 星期三,9月1日09:00:54 +0000 人力资源管理与合规 员工 健康 办公室 薪水 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75550 先进的技术常常与时代的变化和产业的发展联系在一起。随着大流行加剧了组织对技术的依赖,Zoom会议取代了会议室会议,虚拟聚会取代了面对面的活动,以及其他技术变革,公司正朝着与多年前相比变得面目全非的方向发展。的话题现在正在欢迎[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/off-topic-conversations-at-work-a-new-endangered-species/ " >八卦谈话在工作:一个新的濒危物种< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " > < / >人力资源日常顾问。< / p >













//www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/off-topic-conversations-at-work-a-new-endangered-species/feed/ 0 不要把手指指向内部 //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/stop-pointing-the-finger-internally/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/stop-pointing-the-finger-internally/#respond 林格宁·波帕尔,特约编辑 星期三,9月1日09:00:36 +0000 学习与发展 责备 相互指责 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75534



企业可以是复杂的、跨部门的合作和相互依赖的网络。当销售人员必须收回他们向潜在客户承诺的价格时,可能是因为财务部门的某人最初提供了错误的信息。当客户服务代表接到一个沮丧的客户打来的愤怒电话时,这可能是由于生产团队的劣质工作。< / p > < p > < span id =“更- 75534”> < / span > < / p > < p > < a href = " https://news.blr.com/app/uploads/sites/3/2021/08/shutterstock_759723166.jpg " > < img加载=“懒惰”类= " alignright wp -图像- 75535 " src = " https://news.blr.com/app/uploads/sites/3/2021/08/shutterstock_759723166 - 300 x212.jpg“alt =“指责”宽度= =“282”“399”高度srcset="https://news.blr.com/app/uploads/sites/3/2021/08/shutterstock_759723166-300x212.jpg 300w, https://news.blr.com/app/uploads/sites/3/2021/08/shutterstock_759723166-768x542.jpg 768w, https://news.blr.com/app/uploads/sites/3/2021/08/shutterstock_759723166-200x141.jpg 200w, "< span style =" font - family:宋体;font - family:宋体;当面对不满意的外部利益相关者时,销售人员或客户服务代表往往倾向于指责别人。毕竟,在上面假设的例子中,别人的错误。


Through the Eyes of the Customer

It may be frustrating for employees to endure the wrath of an unhappy customer over an issue they did not contribute to, but to understand why this is necessary, one needs to look at these situations through the eyes of the customer. When customers call a help line to report their cable went out in the middle of a highly anticipated football game, they don’t care if it was the person who answers the phone who caused the outage or a technician who accidentally severed a connection. They only care about the result.

Pointing fingers, even if pointed at the right person or department, just comes across to a customer as the organization making excuses for its mistakes.

One Organization

Customers aren’t interested in the internal dynamics of companies they patronize. They see one monolithic organization that either does or does not provide quality goods and services as promised. Whether a mistake was made by procurement, production, sales, customer service, or any other department, it’s the company as a whole the customer sees.

Focusing on the Fix

Rather than trying to deflect blame, employees interacting with upset customers should focus on fixing the issue. In other words, they should focus not on who is to blame for what happened but on how to correct the customers’ issue and how to prevent it from recurring.

It’s no fun to be on the receiving end of an angry customer’s tirade. But pointing the finger at someone else in the organization doesn’t do any favors for the company, and it rarely placates the customer. Customers don’t care which team messed up; they only care about the company meeting their obligations.

Instead of trying to find someone else to blame, employees should focus on fixing the issue at hand and preventing similar issues in the future.

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#Metoo(我也是)运动 //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/metoo-comes-to-the-playing-field/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/metoo-comes-to-the-playing-field/#respond 伯顿J。菲什曼公司;斯科特有限责任公司,H。胡安妮塔M。比彻公司;斯科特有限责任公司 星期三,9月1日09:00:28 +0000 多样性和包容性 # metoo 就业法 诉讼 工作场所有毒 女性 妇女的权利 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75544 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)最近对华盛顿足球队(WFT)征收了1000万美元的罚款,原因是他们在工作场所培养了充满性骚扰、欺凌和恐吓的文化。这次罚款是在长达数月的调查结束后实施的,是联盟有史以来最严厉的处罚之一。这笔钱将使用[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/metoo-comes-to-the-playing-field/ " > # Metoo来到竞技场< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " >人力资源日常顾问< / >。< / p > 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)最近对华盛顿足球队(WFT)征收了1000万美元的罚款,原因是他们在工作场所培养了充满性骚扰、欺凌和恐吓的文化。这次罚款是在长达数月的调查结束后实施的,是联盟有史以来最严厉的处罚之一。这笔钱将用于支持致力于品格教育、反欺凌、健康关系和相关主题的组织。

< p>

#metooH. Juanita Beecher and Burton J. Fishman are attorneys with FortneyScott in Washington, D.C. You can reach them at nbeecher@fortneyscott.comor bfishman@fortneyscott.com.

The post #Metoo Comes to the Playing Field appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.

//www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/metoo-comes-to-the-playing-field/feed/ 0 帮助公司增加多样性的4个关键战略和kpi //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/4-key-strategies-and-kpis-to-help-companies-increase-diversity/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/4-key-strategies-and-kpis-to-help-companies-increase-diversity/#respond galalmog, Talenya联合创始人兼首席执行官 星期三9月1日09:00:19 +0000 多样性和包容性 招聘 多样化的人才 多样化的劳动力 多样性 招聘 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75531 在你的公司的员工队伍中增加多样化的人才是一个崇高的目标,但是如果没有适当的战略,许多公司肯定会错过他们的目标。以下是在你的招聘渠道中开始增加多样化人才的四个关键策略。在设定招聘目标之前,你需要知道[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/09/01/4-key-strategies-and-kpis-to-help-companies-increase-diversity/ " > 4关键策略和kpi来帮助公司增加多样性< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " > < / >人力资源日常顾问。< / p > 在你的公司的员工队伍中增加多样化的人才是一个崇高的目标,但是如果没有适当的战略,许多公司肯定会错过他们的目标。

Here are four key strategies to start increasing diverse talent in your recruiting pipeline.recruiting diversity

Assess Your Situation

Before setting any hiring goals, you need to know where your company currently stands. Here, you will need to know not only your company’s diverse talent makeup but also how you compare with your competitors or your industry as a whole. This helps your company evaluate potential areas of improvement and where your company is already succeeding.

Set Realistic Goals and Align Employees

Once you know where you stand, you will need to set your diversity goals and establish a time frame within which to achieve those goals.

Your goals need to be realistic and in line with your industry standards. If you share your goals with your employees, you are likely to align broad company efforts with such goals and increase your chances of success. Increasing diversity in the workforce is not a task for your talent acquisition team but for all employees, from executives to associates.

Evaluate and Acquire New Tools

If you set diversity hiring goals without giving your talent acquisition team the right tools, you are likely to fail. You need to allocate the necessary budget to acquire such tools. There are many great tools out there for diverse talent sourcing that go beyond keyword searches or LinkedIn profiles. Additionally, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is making diversity sourcing easier and more effective.

Encourage Internal Hiring

While your organization should be focused on hiring more diverse talent, you need to also look at retaining your employees. Employee turnover can cost up to 33% of an employee’s annual salary. Before hiring new employees, companies should first evaluate existing talent and consider hiring or promoting internally. With some training, existing employees can quickly get up to speed, as they’re already familiar with your company’s processes. Additionally, they can reward you with an intangible quality: loyalty. High internal mobility helps retain talent in general and diverse talent in particular.

Track and Report on Progress

Once your organization has set realistic goals and acquired the right tools to find and hire diverse talent, the next step is to track and report your progress. Share that progress with your employees and celebrate success.

Here are the top diversity key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be tracking.

  1. Percentage of diverse talent in your workforce. This is the most important KPI for companies to track. You need to know this for every ethnicity, race, and gender group. If you compare your diverse talent participation with that of your competitors’, for example, you will know if and where action is needed.
  2. Average tenure. Average employee tenure may help you identify whether your diverse employees tend to stay with you longer than they stay with your competitors. If they stay less time at your company, this is a red flag that will require action from not only the HR department but also the entire company. You should identify potential reasons for employee turnover and address them.
  3. Participation in managerial roles. Equitable participation in managerial roles is another factor in improving long-term retention. Low participation in managerial roles among diverse employees may explain why people are leaving your company sooner.
  4. Internal mobility. If employees have held more than one job in your company, this can signify they are happy at your company and have opportunities to advance their career, either laterally or vertically. There are many solutions to improve a low rate of internal mobility. For example, set a standard that ensures current employees will be considered for every open role alongside external candidates.
  5. Risk of churn. You want to know not only the percentage of employees who are highly likely to leave you but also where those churn pockets are. For example, you may discover that employees with 1–3 years at your company are at the highest churn risk level. Additionally, some candidates who are actively looking for a job may provide signals on social networks. Using data like this will help you address risk pockets at the right places and at the right time.

If your company has glaring disparities between overall employee makeup and those in managerial positions, this could spell trouble. For example, Talenya recently released a Fortune 500 Diversity Report, which examined data on the diversity of Fortune 500 employees from the first quarter of 2021. It found that women only account for 37% of total employees in managerial roles at Fortune 500 organizations.

Companies with levels of participation in managerial roles that are close to the levels of participation of their group in the overall workforce are likely to better retain employees. Improving this metric can help diverse employees see they have a fair chance to be promoted to managerial roles within their companies.

What It All Means

Increasing diversity among your employees starts with having a clear picture of your goals and KPIs. You need to have the right tools to achieve your goals, share them with employees, and align everyone behind them. From there, you must take proactive measures to increase diversity in the hiring pipeline and beyond and track progress continuously.

Data only helps companies create a road map for recruiting and retaining diverse employees; the rest is up to you.

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如何制定合理的COVID-19疫苗政策,保护每个人 //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/how-to-draft-a-reasonable-covid-19-vaccine-policy-that-protects-everyone/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/how-to-draft-a-reasonable-covid-19-vaccine-policy-that-protects-everyone/#respond Sue Bingham, HPWP Group创始人和负责人 Tue, 31 Aug 2021 09:05:37 +0000 冠状病毒(COVID-19) 人力资源管理与合规 冠状病毒 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫苗接种授权 疫苗的授权 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75506 现在COVID-19疫苗已经广泛可用,人力资源主管必须弄清楚如何制定疫苗接种政策。根据最近的一项调查,44%的雇主计划要求接种疫苗,31%的雇主将鼓励接种疫苗,14%的雇主将要求一些员工接种疫苗。此外,在美国超过60%的公司将需要证明(& # 8230;)< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/how-to-draft-a-reasonable-covid-19-vaccine-policy-that-protects-everyone/ " >如何起草一份合理COVID-19疫苗政策,保护每一个人都< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " > < / >人力资源日常顾问。< / p > 现在COVID-19疫苗已经广泛可用,人力资源主管必须弄清楚如何制定疫苗接种政策。根据a 最近的调查,44%的雇主计划需要疫苗接种,31%会鼓励疫苗接种,14%将需要一些员工获得疫苗。此外,美国超过60%的公司将需要疫苗接种证明,35%表示未能遵守纪律行动或终止。

国家,地方和公司任务已经达到了很多反抗。许多工人通过辞职表示不满,但在某些行业中疫苗接种政策复杂化。For example, assisted living and retirement homes with at-risk populations must choose between potentially losing employees who don’t want to get vaccinated and losing revenue due to families who expect higher levels of safety.

In large organizations with high-trust cultures, vaccine mandates and proof of vaccination are not the standards. Instead, these companies leave working at home versus working in the office up to the judgment of managers and team leaders. This ensures the company maximizes performance while also responding to how employees feel about post-pandemic life.

The Role of HR Leaders in Vaccine Conversations

HR leaders have a lot at stake when it comes to vaccination policies. That’s why it’s crucial to have open and honest discussions with employees to determine the right course of action. While the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has supported COVID-19 tests as a condition of employment, some studies have found that 40% of people don’t want to get the vaccine. Companies that invest in high-trust cultures recognize that a blanket policy won’t work; leaders must find a way to balance company safety and employee needs.

Trust hinges on personal conversations. HR leaders who want to make the best decision should listen to employees’ concerns and understand why some people are hesitant to receive the vaccine. Some workers might have religious or medical concerns, and others could be victims of misinformation due to certain institutions, media outlets, and more.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends letting employees grow comfortable with the idea of getting vaccinated. Workers who aren’t sure at first may change their minds after seeing colleagues receive the vaccine. Additionally, employers can overcome financial obstacles by offering paid leave or free transportation for employees getting inoculated.

The moral of the story is that HR needs to be empathetic and proactive when leading vaccine policy conversations. By creating spaces for open dialogue, HR leaders can build trust and challenge traditional management mindsets that could be grounded in negative assumptions about people.

Components of a Fair and Ethical Vaccination Policy

Until COVID-19, most employers had minimal experience with vaccination policies. In a post-pandemic world, HR departments will have to determine the best course of action to follow. Here are three important components to consider before making a decision:

1. Prioritize employee safety.

A vaccination policy should cite CDC guidelines and emphasize that employee safety is—and always will be—the highest priority. For example, after the CDC announced that fully vaccinated individuals could forego masks in most indoor settings, companies like Walmart and Costco allowed fully vaccinated customers and employees to go maskless (provided state or local laws did not dictate otherwise). Organizations like Apple and Amazon hope to return to the office in fall 2021, but they also understand that flexibility is necessary as the world explores the next normal.

2. Search for win-win solutions.

When it comes to working with individuals who do not wish to get the vaccine, make sure to listen to their concerns and seek win-win solutions. Why don’t they want to get the vaccine? Is there anything HR can do to help? Are they worried they will be terminated? HR leaders should let employees know they are supported so they can continue to be productive and satisfied. Most importantly, companies should take steps to protect employees’ physical and mental health if they’re experiencing anxiety about the vaccine.

3. In the event of any conflicts, focus on resolutions.

If there are clashes between colleagues or between employees and HR when it comes to vaccination, define the process for resolution. This will ensure there is an acceptable—if not ideal—solution for both parties.

To start, avoid referencing disciplinary action or requiring proof of vaccination. This creates fear of litigation and impedes progress toward a positive and trusting culture. To prioritize safety and avoid termination, HR leaders should explore the possibility of continued remote work or workstations separated from other team members.

In the next normal, workplace policies surrounding vaccination raise plenty of questions for HR leaders. Employers need to maintain an open-door approach and listen to employees’ needs. The worst thing a company can do is shut employees out, assume the worst, and dismiss concerns. Prioritizing fairness and ethics will help workforces stay productive and safe moving forward.

Sue Bingham, founder and principal of HPWP Group, has been at the forefront of the positive business movement for 35 years. She as written a bestselling Amazon book, Creating the High Performance Work Place: It’s Not Complicated to Develop a Culture of Commitment and also contributed to international bestseller, From Hierarchy to High Performance.

The post How to Draft a Reasonable COVID-19 Vaccine Policy That Protects Everyone appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.

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进一步了解员工招聘和保留挑战的严重程度 //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/recruitment-retention-challenge/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/recruitment-retention-challenge/#respond 林格宁·波帕尔,特约编辑 Tue, 31 Aug 2021 09:00:42 +0000 招聘 人才 留住员工 招聘 招聘 招聘 招聘策略 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75458 许多读者可能都意识到了全国各地的企业在寻找和留住合格员工方面面临的挑战。也许是因为在一家最喜欢的餐馆等待的时间太长,服务不够好,当地的小企业主哀叹自己无法填补职位空缺,或一个经验携带额外的工作负载,因为[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/recruitment-retention-challenge/ " >仔细看看员工招聘和保留的挑战有多严重< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " >人力资源日常顾问< / > . < / p >




尽管数百万工人仍在寻找工作,但仍有数百万工作岗位空缺根据劳工统计局的最新数据,6月份有950多万美国人失业找工作https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>数据,”WorkingNation创始人兼首席执行官Art Bilger写道,在针对CNBC的文章。”与此同时,这个国家的就业机会也受到冲击https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.nr0.htm“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>920万,创历史新高。从统计上看,每个人都有一份公开的工作。但是,即使雇主表示他们已经准备好并愿意雇佣,他们也很难找到准备好并能够胜任工作的员工。”




自春季以来,寻找新工作的员工数量几乎翻了一番,“梅根·莱昂哈特在一封信中写道”https://fortune.com/2021/08/20/us-workers-looking-for-jobs/《财富》杂志的“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>文章。大约64%的人表示他们在8月初正在寻找新工作,当时普华永道调查了1007名全职和兼职美国员工以及752名高管。那’;在当前的劳动环境下,雇主需要比以往任何时候都更加努力工作,不仅是为了找到和雇用合格的候选人,而且还要在这些工人加入公司后留住他们。对于公司来说,倾听并关注员工对敬业度和工作满意度的看法比以往任何时候都更为重要,因为开始失去员工的公司在重新填补空缺职位时可能会遇到严重问题。


//www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/recruitment-retention-challenge/feed/ 0
重新思考员工在后covid -19世界的福利 //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/employee-benefits-post-covid/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/employee-benefits-post-covid/#respond 凡妮莎·利斯塔德,沃格尔律师事务所的律师 2021年8月31日星期二09:00:32+0000 福利和补偿 冠状病毒(COVID-19) 福利和补偿 冠状病毒 新型冠状病毒肺炎 远程工作 重返工作岗位 高额的政策 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75527 2020年3月,COVID-19对工作场所产生了直接影响,将员工从办公室转移到家庭办公室。随着对活跃人数的持续监测,我们看到疫情可能会对工作场所以及人们工作的方式、地点和时间产生持久影响。这场危机还开辟了新的机遇(& # 8230;)< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/employee-benefits-post-covid/ " >反思你的员工福利Post-COVID-19世界< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " > < / >人力资源日常顾问。< / p > 2020年3月,COVID-19对工作场所产生了直接影响,将员工从办公室转移到家庭办公室。随着对活跃人数的持续监测,我们看到疫情可能会对工作场所以及人们工作的方式、地点和时间产生持久影响。危机还开辟了员工远程工作的新机会。考虑到目前的劳动力短缺,您可能希望重新审视您的福利计划,并决定是否将其扩展到Covid-19世界,以保留并吸引新的人才。


Choosing Where and When To Work

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many employees were forced to work from home in response to government shutdown orders. Now that the orders have been lifted, some members of your workforce may prefer to continue working from home to (1) avoid a commute, (2) attend to childcare, elder care, or other home obligations, or (3) simply be more productive. In fact, in a recent survey by Blind, a majority of employees (about 64 percent) at top-tier companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook would opt to continue working from home over receiving a pay raise.

Telecommuting is just one type of flexible work arrangement. Others may include a compressed workweek, flexible scheduling, or a hybrid home/work arrangement. Employers considering flexible work arrangements should:

  • Decide which types of arrangements are conducive to which jobs; and
  • Establish a policy for employees to know which positions are eligible for flexible work arrangements and the process to apply for one.

Once the arrangement is approved, the best practice would be to have a flexible work agreement with the individual employee, clearly setting forth your company’s expectations.

Refitting the Home Office

Employers allowing employees to work from home will likely provide them with the general tools necessary to do their jobs remotely, such as a computer, printer, and other office supplies. But, what about those other items they may need to work more efficiently and effectively from home, such as an ergonomic desk and chair or upgraded WiFi?

In North Dakota, employers are required to compensate employees for everything they spend as a direct consequence of their job, except for expenses incurred to buy or rent equipment the individual also can use outside the scope of employment. So, if they incur costs directly related to doing the job and don’t use the items outside of their employment, the expenses must be reimbursed. For all other expenses for items they can benefit from during off-hours, reimbursement is optional.

As part of any flexible work arrangement policy or agreement, you should consider whether to offer employees reimbursement up to a certain amount for expenses they may incur to improve their home office space.

Don’t Forget About Fido

Pet adoptions experienced a significant boost during the COVID-19 outbreak. The animals helped individuals cope with the pandemic’s stress and provided much-needed companionship when people were confined to their homes. Employees now may be concerned about protection for their new “pandemic pet” and looking to your company for assistance.

Pet health insurance is a growing trend being offered by employers. The coverage can be incredibly attractive and helpful for some workers, given the hefty cost of veterinary care. You may want to look at your current benefit package and decide whether to add the insurance coverage. It may be a great way to keep employees happy and bring in or retain desirable talent.

After spending nonstop time together, employees returning to the office also may be concerned about separation anxiety for their animal pals. Consider whether your workplace might become “pet-friendly,” allowing people to bring their trusty companions to work. Some workplaces may be limited from doing so because of health and safety regulations.

If your business is considering allowing pets to enter, you should put a plan in place. Some suggestions include:

  • Designating pet-free zones for employees with allergies;
  • Requiring all pets to be current on vaccinations and free of parasites;
  • Ensuring employees understand (1) they must clean up after their pets, and (2) any disruptive or distracting behavior may lead to the animal’s removal; and
  • Requiring employees to sign a liability waiver and indemnification agreement.

Takeaways For Employers

The COVID-19 pandemic may be waning, but it will have a long-lasting impact on the workplace. As you plan for the future, take a hard look at your current employee benefits and consider whether to make any adjustments for the postpandemic world.

Vanessa L. Lystad is an attorney with the Vogel Law Firm in Fargo, North Dakota. You can reach her at vlystad@vogellaw.com

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远程工作时与团队保持联系的5种方法 //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/5-ways-to-stay-connected-to-your-team-while-working-remotely/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/5-ways-to-stay-connected-to-your-team-while-working-remotely/#respond Edwain Steenkamp, Panion的内容策略师 2021年8月31日星期二09:00:11+0000 学习与发展 业务连接 有效的合作 远程工作 支持远程团队 团队协作 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75516 数字连接并不一定意味着远程工作的团队感觉上是连接的。发现五个简单的策略来弥合差距,创造一种社区感。毫无疑问,远程工作有很多好处。通勤成本降低了,在家工作的机会也增加了,还有[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/31/5-ways-to-stay-connected-to-your-team-while-working-remotely/ " > 5种方法保持远程连接到你的团队工作时< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.etoobe.com " > < / >人力资源日常顾问。< / p >


remote worker teamworkThere’s certainly no denying that working remotely has a host of perks. Commuting costs are cut down, there’s more opportunity to be hands on at home, and there’s simply more flexibility when life’s unexpected surprises rear their heads. But while the list of pros is long, working remotely also has many surprising disadvantages. Chief among these is the disconnect it often causes in team dynamics, from company culture and employee well-being to communication and motivation.

But when the perks (and necessity) of working remotely are clear and indisputable, how do we ensure team members remain connected, aligned, and motivated?

Encourage Human Interaction

Working remotely on online platforms is not only convenient but also quick and can significantly simplify collaborative work. Most often, however, these platforms are solely task-driven. This means employee interactions are quickly reduced to simply communicating about the work at hand and don’t create the space or opportunity for genuine conversations or, indeed, the ability to build meaningful relationships. So, while these platforms get the job done, it’s important to also encourage human interaction—that is, conversations that are focused on people, not solely on business. Starting a catch-up or status meeting with small talk or a simple “how are you doing?” or “what did you get up to this weekend?” goes a long way in doing just that and won’t take up too much time.

Create a Space for Authenticity

At the end of the day, we’re all human, and it’s our diversity and individuality that make for a dynamic and interesting team. Creating opportunities to recognize individuality helps solidify team culture. Social community platforms, for instance, are the perfect tools for this, allowing remote workers to personalize their profiles in a truly human and authentic way. This gives their coworkers an opportunity to get to know the individuals behind the job titles.

Build a Culture of Communication

Whether it’s checking in once a day to ask how things are going or perhaps what the experience with a particular project has been like, building a culture of open communication promotes a feeling of community, as well as transparency. These quick messages might not always relate to work, but it can genuinely impact the feeling of well-being and inclusivity in a team that works remotely.

Schedule Time for Culture

No matter what line of work it is, there should always be time for culture, and working remotely has made this exceptionally easy. A quick video call on the last Friday of the month with icebreakers, games, or just casual conversation allows for a much-needed human element in order to build team culture, which, in turn, boosts morale and productivity.

Give Recognition When It’s Due

Employee recognition is a powerful tool to promote wellness and motivation. Whether it’s an e-mail or a brief announcement during a video call, giving recognition to deserving people not only validates the work they’re doing but also inspires a sense of belonging. Now more than ever, as so many people grapple with the effects of the pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge how they’re contributing to success stories.

Working remotely opens up a world of opportunities, but it should never come at the cost of company culture or a sense of community and belonging within a team—all of which are essential for happy, fulfilled, and productive employees. By incorporating these strategies within a business, you’re creating the best of both worlds and, in turn, taking the necessary steps for your business to reach its full potential.

Edwain Steenkamp, a writer and editor based in Cape Town, South Africa, is the Content Strategist at Panion, a community-building platform that helps organizations create a deeper sense of connection and belonging among distributed teams. 

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内部流动性如何提高留任率、经验和领导力 //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/30/how-internal-mobility-can-improve-retention-experience-and-leadership/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/30/how-internal-mobility-can-improve-retention-experience-and-leadership/#respond Rena Nigam,创始人;首席执行官Meytier 2021年8月30日星期一09:00:28+0000 人力资源管理与合规 招聘 人才 内部流动 流动性 保留 人事变更率 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75514 公司大谈多样性和包容性,通常强烈关注在最高领导层中增加多样性代表。然而,同样是这些公司,很多都很难招聘、留住和提拔多元化的员工。[…]

HR Daily Advisor.

公司大谈多样性和包容性,通常强烈关注在最高领导层中增加多样性代表。然而,同样是这些公司,很多都很难招聘、留住和提拔多元化的员工。In light of the “Great Resignation” taking place, in which employees who weren’t happy in their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic are leaving the workforce in droves to find better opportunities, higher salaries, and stronger culture fits, it’s more important than ever to highlight retention and internal opportunities in your hiring conversations.

Source: PeopleImages / E+ / Getty

Internal mobility isn’t just access to promotions. While that’s certainly important, when we talk about internal mobility, we mean opportunities for employees to expand laterally and take on new responsibilities and challenges, chances to take on important work, and creating a culture of learning and skill development in the company as a whole. Statistics have shown that the likelihood of employees staying with their company decreases as the years pass.

LinkedIn data found that employees who are promoted within 3 years of hiring have a 70% chance of staying onboard, and those who make a lateral move have a 62% chance of staying, as opposed to a 45% chance for those who did not make any moves. Employees who see opportunities to learn and grow will have more commitment to their company and a better understanding of their work and are less likely to be lured by other companies. Here are our top tips for hiring and retention strategies to help your company survive the Great Resignation.

  1. Start with Leadership

Fostering a culture of learning and internal mobility starts at the top. If your leadership team consists entirely of external hires, your employees won’t see a reason to stick around to reach higher levels of management. Having a dynamic, diverse leadership team that emulates the attributes you hope to see in your employees is key. This goes beyond your C-suite; if you’re looking for a new, midlevel manager, do a thorough check of your employees first. Even if it would be a “stretch” for someone, see if it’s an option to give a current, high-performing employee the ability to rise to the occasion.

  1. Create a Culture of Learning

Internal mobility is built on having a culture of learning. If employees remain in the same jobs with the same responsibilities, then they won’t grow into new roles. If you hire people who love to learn, as many companies say they do, then they need to see opportunities to grow in their jobs. Hire people who have the potential to excel not just in the role you’re hiring for but also beyond it. Give them opportunities to try new things in their jobs. Employees should have a chance to expand laterally and to the same levels in different functions and departments, as well as a chance to work with leadership.

Internal mobility improves retention, new hire productivity, and the hiring process overall. Research by the Conference Board found that internal talent mobility helped develop high performers, and cross-functional rotations specifically were one of the top development activities embraced by CEOs across the globe. The bottom line is, before you hire that new person, see if you already have someone who might like the opportunity to try something new. A great way to start is to require at least one internal candidate for the final slate in every open role.

  1. Ensure All Employees Have a Seat at the Table

Lastly, one of the great potential benefits of internal mobility is that it can develop highly trained, diverse talent. Especially for groups whose industry pipeline or function is small, internal mobility is a great chance to develop talent so you can have more diverse representation in leadership down the line. It’s important to understand that internal mobility can be clouded with bias; employees from underrepresented backgrounds may have less access to leadership and new opportunities and receive fewer promotions than their peers. According to McKinsey, for every 100 men promoted to manager, only 85 women were promoted. The disparity is even larger for black and Latina women. For every 100 men promoted to manager, only 58 black women and 71 Latinas were promoted. The best way to improve something is to measure it. Create an accountability structure, built on data, in which all employees have a chance to excel in your workforce, try new roles, and take charge of new projects.

Rena Nigam is the Founder and CEO of Meytier.


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为什么员工在流感大流行期间离职? //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/30/why-are-employees-leaving-during-a-pandemic/ //www.etoobe.com/2021/08/30/why-are-employees-leaving-during-a-pandemic/#respond 布里奇特·米勒,特约编辑 星期一,8月30日2021年09:00:27 +0000 招聘 人才 公司文化 招聘 招聘 伟大的辞职 //www.etoobe.com/?p=75500



全球大流行创造了许多被标记为“前所未有的”的情况,并且很多人都与就业有关。Right now, employers are scratching their heads trying to reconcile a world where millions have been without work, yet it’s still difficult to fill roles and employees are quitting in seemingly record numbers.

employee resignationLet’s take a look at a few of the many reasons why employees today are still quitting during a pandemic, as well as some of the reasons not everyone is eager to return to the fields they left behind.

Reasons Behind the Resignation

Here are some of the leading causes behind the recent surge in employee resignations:

  • The pandemic created a situation where people started to evaluate what was truly important in their lives. Many found that their work life did not match up with their big picture goals or objectives. This may have led them to make a major change in career path or finally go back to school. Or it may have meant leaving an employer who has not lived up to what the individual thought they would be.
  • While there was a brief respite when the vaccine rollout was underway and it seemed like things were getting back to normal, it’s clear today that the pandemic isn’t done. This means many people have had shifting work needs, some multiple times – like the need to be home to care for others, such as ill loved ones, children who cannot attend daycare, etc.
  • Many people feel unsafe going back to work due to (real or perceived) lack of protection from contracting COVID-19—and the risk isn’t worthwhile to them. If remote work isn’t an option – either due to the nature of the job or the policy of the employer – they may opt to leave instead.
  • Wage stagnation is finally starting to break, pressuring wages upward. If employers do not follow suit for existing employees, they may be more likely than ever to seek more money elsewhere since millions of jobs are available today.
  • Many simply found that remote work (or other forms of work flexibility) were a feature they found too good to give up. When employers began asking them to come back, many have said no.
  • Some have simpler reasons: with staffing shortages seemingly everywhere, the strains on existing workers can be rough. Some people are no longer willing to put up with those levels of stress and have decided to leave as a result. Even if none of the other reasons applied.
  • For some it’s as simple as giving up things like a long commute and trading it in for something simpler or with more flexibility. These individuals may not be leaving the workforce, but they’re changing roles, contributing to the shift in employees.
  • For others, it comes down to how their employer actually responded to and during the pandemic itself. Did the organization offer support? Were there resources for those facing illness or caregiving needs? Were steps taken to reduce risks for employees?

It’s easy to see this is a varied topic, but there are a lot of reasons employees are still leaving.

Employees Are Still Leaving – What Does This Mean for Employers?

While the answer to this question will vary depending on any given organization’s situation, there are a few things employers should be thinking about. Employers should be paying more attention than ever to things like:

  • Improving company culture
  • Showing employees that they’re valued
  • Providing benefits that employees want
  • Allowing flexibility in work locations or hours whenever possible
  • Ensuring work-life balance for both in-house and remote employees
  • Offering training and employee development programs
  • Focusing on improving employee engagement
  • Ensuring recognition programs are in place and being used well

What has been your experience? Has your organization seen a significant change in turnover in 2021?

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