

HiPo Leadership Strategies to Get Balanced and Be on Target During the COVID-19 Crisis

During the COVID-19 crisis, leaders have to manage their feelings of being off-balance due to interrupted work routines and the distractions within their home workspace. Some leaders are distracted by their thoughts, worrying that their jobs are in jeopardy, being unsure of how to effectively motivate and inspire remote teams, and being distracted by their […]


Top Jobs Expected to Grow the Most By 2026

You may wonder why we’re planning for 2026, considering we haven’t even made it to 2020. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,” Benjamin Franklin once said. So, what better time to prepare for the future than the present. What will the job market look like in 2026? And which jobs will be […]


Creating a Company Culture by Investing in People

Employees are the heart and soul of everything a business does. By investing in them, managers can create a culture that fosters transformational thinking and promotes growth. It all starts with an understanding of culture and of human connections. Employees who feel understood and appreciated become more productive and will go the extra mile on […]


The Coaching Conversation and the Story

The human brain is an amazing organ. It comprises the same biological matter as the rest of the body, but remarkably, it somehow gives rise to consciousness and self-awareness. Despite years of research, scientists are still mystified by how it actually does this. Nobody really understands how living cells, sorted and connected in just the […]


2018’s Hot Jobs and Recruiting Challenges

Earlier this year, MIT Technology Review predicted five jobs that are likely to grow in 2018. We’re now well into the year; how prescient were its predictions? Let’s take a look at the five jobs predicted to grow in 2018:

10 Skills You’ll Need to Thrive in 2020

Much like how the ancestors learned how to grow food after spending many years hunting animals to eat, the dawn of a new industrial age is motivating the world to learn the new skills of the future to thrive.

New Employment Laws and Regulations Going into Effect

While the world has been focused on the U.S. and global economic meltdown, a historic presidential election, and staggering unemployment numbers, some pretty significant changes have been made in federal employment laws and regulations with most going into effect in just a few weeks. A recent issue of HR Hero Line includes a roundup of […]