How to Trim Onboarding Costs Without Impacting Quality

Onboarding is a make-or-break point in the employee life cycle. With the right approach, a fresh hire can establish meaningful work relationships, gain the right knowledge, and clarify expectations about job performance, reaching his or her full potential as quickly as possible. A poor onboarding experience, on the other hand, will only hamper job satisfaction […]


How to Trim Onboarding Costs Without Impacting Quality

Onboarding is a make-or-break point in the employee life cycle. With the right approach, a fresh hire can establish meaningful work relationships, gain the right knowledge, and clarify expectations about job performance, reaching his or her full potential as quickly as possible. A poor onboarding experience, on the other hand, will only hamper job satisfaction […]

4 Key Steps for Changing Your Hiring Process When Budget Is an Issue

Every company struggles with budget issues. One year you project too high of a budget; the next year your projection is too low. With the current hiring market, it’s almost impossible to accurately predict what your hiring costs should be … or is it?


Why You Should Implement Social Learning This Year

百分之七十三的公司urveyed in a Brandon Hall study expected to increase their focus on social learning last year, which means that by this year most of them have probably already implemented their social learning strategies.


How to Measure Onboarding Effectiveness

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of onboarding efforts for setting the stage for an employee’s successful career with an organization, as well as aiding in employee retention. To that end, we made the case for finding ways to measure the effectiveness of your employee onboarding programs.